Every product is going to be a little bit different.
For example, this one is a prespray that we use.
And we use inline sprayers to apply most of our cleaning agents or most of our products.
And this is what an inline jug looks like, and a proper inline sprayer would connect to this and then dilute this cleaning product, or whichever product, in a 8:1 dilution ratio, meaning that 8 parts water to 1 part of this product.
But as well as what we put in here is more concentrated so we first have to find the right dilution and then add water to this, and then dilute it again.
Hydroforce is a brand, most popular brand.
So every product is going to be different and you just have to be ready to use the correct math and the correct dilution, and you want to make sure you have it right to have the right effectiveness.
Protectors need to be diluted.
It can make the difference of it being effective or not at all, and to the point where you might as well pour water on the carpet.
Cleaning products as well as far as the effectiveness of it, properly cleaning and removing as much soil and contaminants from the carpet.
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