воскресенье, 13 ноября 2011 г.

hair coloring highlights in HICKMAN hair coloring highlights HICKMAN

hair coloring highlights in HICKMAN

hair coloring highlights

hair coloring highlights HICKMAN

hair coloring highlights in HICKMAN.I still want to mention to you that if you want to do highlights on this hair with this warm brown you can, it would look actually very beautiful.
Okay, you can use a forty volume color that removes color, and they are out there.
By placing different kind of sections here, you know, using different kind of sections, placing your highlights in beautifully, maybe in the front just to give her a little something here lighter, maybe a light brown into this brown.
It would be actually very beautiful.
This is not necessary for her.
You can use color that removes color.
If you do use bleach, i will advise you to be very careful.
She has a strong head of hair, if you use bleach, use five volume or ten.
On behalf of expert village thank you for watching.

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